Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Started.....

My daughter wants to learn about photography. I guess that leaves me to teach her what I know and go from there! I have learned a lot over the years, but with any type of art (and yes, that is what photography is really) you can always learn more.

One thing I firmly believe. Having a nice, cool, mean lean photo machine is great! But if you know what to do with it - even better! Anyone can cough up the change and get a fancy camera, but if you don't know how to use it - you have wasted your money. Likewise, if you know what you are doing, you can manage to get stunning photos with a basic point and shoot as well!! Granted, if you can combine the know how with the sleek camera, you have it made!

A Good starting point is always understanding the basics, what they mean and how they work together. For me, the basics were learning about ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture and how to use them together to get the desired effect and image that I wanted!

So I will continue with posts starting with the basics!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

REBATES! Canon people - Time to SHOP!

Ok, admittedly I am a Canon Girl. I married a Nikon guy - what can I say? Opposites attract right? I got an email today - REBATES on Canon gear - I will be shopping my life away!

Click here for info on the rebates: CANON REBATES!!!

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Equipment - My Beloved 'Stuff"

My favorite comment from people is "ohhh I love your photos - what kind of camera do you use?" I have two thoughts on that question - first of all - "Thanks so much" because I love taking photos of beautiful things and watching other's enjoy them... Two - "I have been taking photos for years. YEARS. I have learned a lot over the years and still have a lot to learn. But you can take a great photo with a not so great camera if you know what you are doing - but you can also hand someone a really nice camera and have them turn out a lousy photo" - so while some of it may be that I have a nice camera, I LIKE to think it's because I have some inkling of knowing what I am doing!! (oh - and I am ALWAYS open to suggestions and learning more!)

I have been taking photos for many years - way back when it was a brownie camera with a little flash cube on top! Remember those? My dad was an avid photographer, he shared his love of the camera with me! He started with slr type cameras, and was fascinated when 'automatic' and 'instant' camera's became available. He must have had a zillion of each! I grew up on those cameras and then in college became interested in slr camera's myself. Sort of full circle if you will! My father passed away in 2006 at the ripe age of 91, and I inherited a trunk of 35mm slides of photos that he took all around the world. I am scanning them in a few at a time and enjoying seeing things through his eyes once more.

Anyways -With 3 kids and a busy schedule, I find that I have become more of an 'instant gratification' type of chick, you know? I want it now! So I LOVE the Digital SLR camera's that are available now! I started with the Canon Rebel D300 and moved to a 20D and then 30D. I had horrible back focus issues with the 20D but have had none with the 30D. My most recent (little over 1.5 yrs ago) acquisition was the Canon 5D and I am in LOVE.

Currently for Equipment, I use:
  • Canon 5D - full frame sensor, 12.8 mp, w/battery grip
  • Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS - heavy lense - but I love it!
  • Canon 24-70 f2.8L
  • Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8
  • Canon 24-105 II USM F3.5- 5.6
  • 550EXx

For 'other' Equipment:

  • Lightsphere - it's this weird tupperware like contraption - it's a light diffuser and it works great although I look like I have a tupperware bowl on my light!
  • Hoya Lense Filters
  • Alien Bees Lighting System
  • Jill-e Camera bags - I have two - I don't know that I NEED two - but I LOVE her bags and I HAVE two!